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How long does Nail Polish take to Dry? – Tips for quick drying of the nail polish

How long does Nail Polish take to Dry?

How long does Nail Polish take to Dry is a query of impatience and intolerance that one feels while waiting for the enamel to dry?

It takes 20-60 minutes for the polish to dry thoroughly on the nails.

If you want to speed up the time, you can apply quick-drying nail polish in thin layers and use a fixing spray.

Also, you can try to use the hairdryer, the kitchen spray, or ice water.

How long does it take for the nail polish to dry?

Let the nail polish dry faster – dry with cold water

Tips for quick drying of the nail polish to follow when you are short on time

1. Spread thin layers of nail polish

2. Fan with cold air

3. Oil and butter

4. Water and ice

5. Use a top coat

6. Choose a quick-drying product

7. Use a fixator

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